Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween

At 5:45 a.m on Halloween it was apparent it was going to be a VERY LONG DAY when Hannah and Sophie woke up READY to go trick or treating at the obscenely early hour. I would also like to offer gratitude and appreciation (very sarcastic) to whoever invented Daylight savings!!

By 10:00 a.m. I decided to throw together an impromptu Halloween party with some neighbors to hopefully get rid of some of this incredible energy. The kids came over at around 1:30 and we played a few games (eating marshmellows off strings, bobbing for apples, and blowing popcorn across a tarp). The kids really enjoyed bobbing for apples and decided that the best way to get the apple was to submerge your entire head. Several changes of clothes were made. But, at least the kids ate a few apples before they went trick or treating!

We ate a quick dinner. Hannah professed at dinner that she was no longer a carnivore or a vegatarian and so she could not eat anything on her plate. Apparently, on Halloween she had become a candiovore. Considering the situation we mostly let her get away with her behavior although I think she managed to choke down one carrot. As if that made any difference.

The kids went trick or treating and brought home their usual loot. At which point our little candivores ate themselves sick and then crashed. Sophie fell asleep on the couch at 7:30 (this time a non-sarcastic thank you goes out to whoever invented daylight savings). Hannah made it a little later. Of course Sophie didn't brush her teeth before she crashed so this halloween will probably cost us $700.00 in dental bills!

Hope you all had a happy halloween too!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

is the curse over Posted by Hello

Is the Curse over??

As you can imagine things are pretty tense in this house these days. Here we are deep in Red Sox country with, of all things, a Yankee fan in the house. The girls, much to their father's chagrin, are even Red Sox fans. This week, even at school, they have been subject to the mania that is the play offs. This morning all the children in their elementary school sang "Take me out to the ball game" instead of "It's a grand old flag". It is pure insanity!

The girls and I have to live with the burden and terrible secret that we have a Yankees fan living in the house but Sophie may not be able to handle it anymore. Apparently on the bus today the kids were singing something like "Who's gonna win? The Red Sox! Who's gonna lose? The Yankees! Who do we love? The Red Sox! Who do we hate? They Yankees!" Anyway, this song pulled a few heartstrings on Sophie. She came in and immediately started to cry. "Everybody hates Daddys team! Poor Daddy!" She really felt bad. But, when asked if this meant she was changing her loyalties she said "No!" But, she'll gladly hold Daddy's hand tonight when the Yankees LOSE!!!!

As for Hannah, she has no sympathy for dear old Dad the poor old girl has become a diehard Red Sox fan. Her heart is sure to be broken!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

harvest abounds

Lately it seems like our lives revolve around this years harvest. We had our 2nd annual harvestfest this weekend which was a big success. With so much yummy food how could it be anything but??? After spending all day Saturday eating lots of great harvest dishes we actually spent Sunday morning apple picking with Nana and Pop-pop! As if we didn't have enough food in our house! Then today I went apple picking and pumpkin picking with Sophie's kindergarten class. In the last week I've made so many dishes from scratch (homemade applesauce, corn fritters, corn chowder, turkey, turkey soup, fresh mashed potatoes, etc.) that I think tonight I'm ready to order Pizza!!!

Harvestgirl Posted by Hello

Pre-harvestfest with Nana Posted by Hello

The Harvestfest underway Posted by Hello

Corn Shuckin' at Harvestfest Posted by Hello

Apple Pickin' Lees Posted by Hello

apple picking with Nana and Pop-Pop Posted by Hello

Sophie Picking a pumpkin Posted by Hello

Sophie the pumpkinhead Posted by Hello