Sunday, June 26, 2005

Hannah had her piano recital today. This picture was taken after the actual recital, we weren Posted by Hello

even though this isn't the best shot the lighting is pretty Posted by Hello

here's a shot of her during her actual performance Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Pensive Sophie right before her first swim meet. Probably thinking "what have I gotten myself into?!" Posted by Hello

Sophie, Kathryne, and Meghan contemplate the days coming events Posted by Hello

Sophie gets ready for her big swim, shoulders back with her coach giving her final tips. This one belongs on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. Eat your heart out Norman Rockwell. Posted by Hello

Sophie gets her time from her official timer. I think she has no idea what that means. Posted by Hello

Sophie is congratulated by her friends. Posted by Hello

Sophie and her friends Meghan, Kathryne(both standing) and Sophie and Sophia (both kneeling) for a post meet picture Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A friend of mine took this picture of Sophie at her Kindermusik recital this past weekend, I thought you might enjoy it. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

This past Saturday was Sophie's gymnastics show. She also had a music show in the morning which I unfortunately forgot to bring the camera to. Anyway, Sophie was in all her glory while her sister pouted at the fact that she was not the center of attention as all first children need to be :) Posted by Hello

Sophie jumping like a frog in her floor routine Posted by Hello

I just thought this was a really pretty picture of Sophie Posted by Hello

Sophie with one of her famous smiles getting ready for the beam Posted by Hello

Upside down Sophie Posted by Hello

Pop-Pop, Hannah and Nana watch Sophie in disbelief as she goes upside down Posted by Hello

Sophie with her Trophy! Posted by Hello

Sophie and Shannon with their Trophys Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Sophie had her Kindergarten graduation last week, although she is still in school till the end of next week. Anyway, they did a play about a garden (seen her). BTW, the boy in the front right of picture is a sleeping tulip, he is not narcoleptic. Sophie is back right. Sophie was the wind in the garden play, blowing as hard as she could to try to "wake the tulips". They also did a play about the "fish that got away". Posted by Hello

Sophie and her friend Sophia sing AND do sign language as they do their tulip play Posted by Hello

Sophie and Sophia being the "wind" Posted by Hello

Sophie and her friend Sophia had the honor of holding the biggest fish in the "big fish" play. Posted by Hello

the big fish falls Posted by Hello

Sophie singing her little heart out Posted by Hello

Sophie at the "after party" with her teacher Posted by Hello