On Friday Gene and I decided to take a spontaneous trip to the White Mountains with the girls. We had all had so much fun there last summer that we thought it would be a fun little adventure. We were only there from Friday until Monday but we packed in the activities. Of course, the kids also loved the hotel pool, which is ironic since we were trying to take a break from the pool club. But I remember as a kid how much fun hotel pools can be. Since we moved right from all our spring activities to swim team and tennis without a break it offered us a nice segway into summer.
Hannah has developed an interesting habit of doing what we call "clock math" where she looks at the digital clock in the car and turns every time into every math problem she can think of. Yes, this is good for her academic skills but it gets a little old when at 4:32 you hear "8!" and then at 4:36 you hear "9!" and, of course, between 4:32 and 4:36 you have 4:34 which is the always exciting "Palindrome time!" and of course Gene complicates matters by looking at the numbers in a different way and shouting out his own answers "172" which makes Hannah curious and Sophie mad because she "Can't do math very good or very fast." So, at 5:02 when I ask Sophie to add the numbers up Hannah yells "7!" before I can finish my sentence, Sophie bursts into tears, and Gene pipes up "25". Good Grief!!!
But despite the math outbursts for the 3 hour trip there and back we really had a wonderful time with some canoeing (although we missed Komo and Mike), a trip to Santa's village, and some hiking.