Saturday, November 13, 2004

November 13th - still snowing

There is really a lot of snow outside. It just isn't supposed to be like this on November 13th. The girls are so excited there are no words. They were up at seven this morning ready to suit up and go out. I told them they had to wait until 9:00 for the sake of our neighbors. In the meantime they got their gear ready. Hannah, being the little homemaker that she is, even put newspaper down by the doors so that when they came in with wet boots it wouldn't ruin the floor. Bless her little soul. They pulled out snowpants, mittens, hats, etc. and fought over what belonged to who. They put on long johns, warm socks, courdoroys, turtlenecks, wool sweaters. They sweated. We ate breakfast. Finally at 8:55 I could take it no more and I let them out. It is now 10:00 a.m. and they are still outside playing happily. After I write this I am going to get my own boots on and then I am going out to shovel. Did I mention that Gene is in Portugal? Oy.

1 comment:

This Moron said...

Hopefully it will snow in February when we're out there and the girls can have a snowball fight with their cousin!

Er... okay. Maybe not yet. But they could have a snowball fight with me!