Friday, September 14, 2007

Grandparents Day

Last Weekend we went to Middletown to celebrate "Grandparent's Day" with Great Grandma. Although, if one looked around one would agree that it really would be more aptly named "Great Grandparent's Day" or maybe "Barely Living Ancestors Day". Anyway, they had a lot of fun activities planned for the kids including snow cones, a moon walk, drum circles and of course face painting. The face painting lady was extremely talented and did an excellent job on the kids. It was a shame to wash it off!
Great Grandma had a lot of fun showing off Hannah and Sophie and the girls did a good job of helping all the old ladies and making Great Grandma look good. A good time was had by all!

Sophie was made up first with "Pretty Eyes"
Sophie poses with GG
Hannah gets made up, the woman decided to pick up the colors in Hannah's dress.
Hannah squishes GG. She has a butterfly motif
Hannah poses in the garden
Sophie poses in the garden. Her eyes match the flowers!The girls do one final pose with GG.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Day of School 2007

"This is how I feel about you taking my picture today"

"Okay, coast is clear, now quick take the picture"

"I am too stylish for words!"

"Do I not look totally cool???"

Today was a big day in the Lee household as Hannah went off to middle school and Sophie went off to third grade without her big sister by her sidel! Last night no one slept well as anxious stomachs grumbeled and bumbeled. Everyone was up at first light, dressed and ready to go. The buses were late, as always on the first day, and Gene and I smiled at Hannah as she snipped at us to calm her frayed nerves. Hannah wasn't going to indulge me with a photo but since she was ready so early this morning she let me take the classic shot well before the bus was even due to come. Later, Sophie, true to form, demanded I take her picture. Both girls went for "looks" today. Hannah was going for Middle School Grundge and Sophie was going for Cosmo Girl! I think success was acheived by both. They are both home now and good days were had by all. I think everyone will sleep well tonight, and the routine begins!