Sunday, September 12, 2004

16 hours to go

In sixteen hours both my children will board the big yellow school bus and I will have three hours to myself five days a week. I can hardly believe it. Sophie seems okay with the whole idea of course she gets to ride the bus with big sister Hannah. Hannah started school last Wednesday and seems to be doing just fine. Not a lot of information comes though.

Today Hannah's friend Nikki came over to play baseball with Hannah and Sophie. They had a great time. Sophie even managed to hit a few balls in her "tutu". Nikki and Hannah offered to walk Sophie to her Kindergarden classroom tomorrow after they got off the bus. Sophie said "No way! I know the way" I can just imagine the scene tomorrow as overly helpful Hannah and Nikki try to help a very stubborn Sophie to her room. It might be my first call from the Principal!

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