Friday, September 24, 2004

Melancholy Baby

No picture today, just a little sort of sad but sweet story. This afternoon Sophie was sitting in the TV room listening to her Discman while I was in my bedroom catching up on some e-mail.
She was so quiet that I went in to check on her. She was sitting on the couch, with her discman on, with tears just streaming down her face. She was dabbing her tears with a pitiful looking tissue. Before I could say anything I could hear that she was listening to "Walking on Sunshine", the song from Greg and Trine's wedding. She looked at me and said in the most pathetic voice "I need to see Uncle and Trine". I almost started crying too (if fact my eyes are getting a little moist as I type this.) I asked her if she wanted to call them, and she said "no, I need to see them." I have to say if I was a rich woman, looking at this child's sad face we would have been on our way to Logan. Gene and Hannah would have had to cope. Anyway, she then said that she wanted to watch their wedding video and so I put her on my lap and we both watched the video and it was a good thing the tissue box was next to us. You know, for the allergies.


This Moron said...

If we were rich we'd have been there by now... yikes, man, that got my own allergies kicking in. (Actually we read it last night and then tried calling, but there was no answer.)

Please tell Sophie we need to see her, too! We're going to try to make a little video or something for the girls if we have time today... maybe that will help!

Bobert said...

well I keep running into people like Joe Pesci ,Tom Cruise in ASHEVILLE..Maybe they lend us a plane..if not Vinneie has that ole c-130....the girls are soo =cute.. I can still,sorta,wait for grand0kids...
all are welcome at our house in the hills...