Monday, April 13, 2009

Pl (e) aster

Comedy/Tragedy Part II

Hannah worked on finishing her plaster comedy/tragedy masks over this past weekend and Sophie decided to make a plaster easter egg so she could be part of the fun. Here you can see the artists at work.

Hannah starts by making a blue goatee on the tragedy mask:

I took the following picture of Hannah filling in the rest of the blue face and only after I uploaded it did I notice the silly guy in the back. Why is that silly guy in all our pictures????? :

Hannah is "tragedy" (she makes the comment that her mask looks more like a blue man group character than a tragedy mask but hams it up anyway :))

Hannah is comedy. We think the eyelashes make a nice "happy" touch:

Sophie works hard on her plaster easter egg:

The finished egg (pop-pop and daddy helped a little in the end):

The finished mask:

Easter Morning:

Every year I take the requisite picture of the girls with their easter baskets after their annual easter egg hunt. This year I was struck by how old both girls looked so I found the oldest digital easter picture I had and posted it for comparison. It feels so strange to me to look at these little girls, and I miss them, even though they are still here. How is that?

Easter 2002:

Easter 2009:

1 comment:

Doug said...

What lovely memories and I hope we have many many more. AML Dad (Pop-pop)